No man hath greater love than he who layeth down his life for his enemy.

‘Actions not words.’ This is what is written on Friedrich Lengfeld's memorial plaque in the Hürtgen Forest. Built for a soldier who gave his own life for that of his enemy. During the Second World War. When the only thing that mattered was shooting or being shot. In times of brutality and cruelty, Friedrich Lengfeld showed that humanity was never completely lost, even in the worst times in history. Courageously and selflessly, Friedrich Lengfeld tried to save the life of his wounded and screaming enemy. And died himself. When he stepped on a mine. But he lives on. In our thoughts. In our words. In our deeds. We want to revive this wonderful act of humanity. And pass it on to every generation. Friedrich Lengfeld epitomises the modern gentleman who goes through life with confidence, courage and boldness. He risks everything. Without thinking only of himself.